Latest updates from the campaign:
Vote411 Questions & Answers
The League of Women Voters recently held a Candidate Forum. Find my follow up answers posted on Vote411 as outlined in the email enclosed.
Meet the Candidates: Mike Van Horn Sr.
With the Town of Mount Pleasant's Special Election to fill Sheriff Carl Ritchie's recently vacated council seat, Mike Van Horn Sr. was the first hopeful to step forward and announce his candidacy on Jan. 10th.
Mike Van Horn interview - Quintin's Close-Ups
Mike Van Horn is a husband, a father, and a businessman who is hoping to become the next council member to sit on Mount Pleasant Town Council. He talks to me about the issues he wants to tackle if elected, one-on-one.
Special election set for Mount Pleasant Town Council seat.
MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C. (WCBD) — A special election will be held this spring to fill the unexpired term of former Councilman Carl Ritchie on the Mount Pleasant Town Council.
Town Council Candidate Announcement
Mike's Official Announcement for his candidacy as Mount Pleasant Town Councilman.